
The Big Picture

the architecture overview


JobCallback represents a single unit of work which will be executed after pulling a trigger.


Triggering is a mechanism responsible for executing JobCallback at given occurrence date. The occurrence date is calculated during trigger creation and again after each JobCallback execution. Each trigger can run only one JobCallback at time, so it is not possible to start ne JobCallback execution while previous one is still running.

Schedule Manager

Schedule Manager is the main component which communicates with the triggers. It can schedule or unschedule a new job (create or delete a trigger), enable or disable a trigger, fire or terminate execution of given trigger. Schedule Manager supervises the state of all triggers.

Start-up script

It's a F# fsx file which holds the source code for job scheduling.

Script Compiler

Compiles the Start-up script into Cronix.Startup.dll on each application start.


The bootstrapper initializes the entire Cronix library. It's responsible for service installation, compiling the start-up script, job scheduling or even hosting the webui.


WebUI is a simple self-hosted web interface. It allows to manage the scheduled triggers.

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